5 Steps to Becoming More Eco Friendly in 2023

Making New Year resolutions is hard. Actually no making them is easy...sticking to them is the tricky part! So rather than resolutions I am setting small steps. Am I going to get super fit and drop 2 dress sizes in 2023 by walking everywhere and not using the car at all ? No I am not, as much as I would like to! So here are 5 points to remember when making New Year Resolutions for 2023 and beyond...


Reusable Water Bottle | Little Twidlets

1. Make one small switch Becoming more sustainable can be totally overwhelming. There are so many ways that we can be more eco, but I have found its always best to start small. This will look different for everyone.

It could be remembering to take your coffee cup or water bottle out with you would be a massive achievement for you so start there. It maybe, that you are already quite eco conscious and a total wiz at remembering to do this so you may need to look deeper at your lifestyle to incorporate other sustainable switches.


2. Part time is ok When I started with reusable nappies, I had 3 nappies between 2 children so fair to say we were very part time with them but the impact of this can add up quicker than you think. Switching one disposable thing a day to a reusable option whether it be cloth nappies, straws, water bottles, reusable bags or anything over a year would add up to three hundred and sixty-five things a year. That's a lot and if you do something and I do something suddenly we are talking over 700 disposable things not in landfill.
3. Dont worry if you stop Being eco- friendly is of course better for the environment, but it also has to be better for you as well. If becoming sustainable is causing you stress, affecting your mental health, impacting on your budget or for any other reason that means its not working then its ok to stop. Take a break if you need to and come back to it later or find something else that may work better for you but don't let it affect you negatively. 


4. Build habits Once you have found and made a switch that works for you it becomes a habit. For me using reusable period wear is not an 'eco friendlier' thing that I do its just a normal thing I do. I switched to a Mooncup about 10 ish years ago and stopped buying single use tampons as using my Mooncup, alongside period pants and pads became a habit. Once something is a habit it just becomes a part of your everyday life and routine and becomes normal. Then if you can, you are able to work on other habits. 



5. Be proud changing anything can be daunting so be proud of yourself if you have or are aiming to. Sharing knowledge is how we learn and it's such a powerful tool in becoming more sustainable. I would love it if you could share your successes but also any challenges you face in the comments or with us over in our Little Twidlets Little Group on Facebook.

So here is to a happy healthy and 'as eco as we can be' 2023

Mulberry purple reusable coffee mug | Little Twidlets

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